Force On Force For The Street

The Focus Is Fighting Alone

Tactics change when the shooter is alone. Fire and maneuver must be adapted. Behavioral patterns must be exploited.

Master Street Patterns

Careful study has revealed dominant street patterns. Create an advantage by training with force on force in each dominant configuration.

Test Your Skill

Move past the flat range and apply shooting skills to fighting against another person in and around vehicles. Range shooting is only the beginning of gun fighting.

Training That Mirrors Reality

Some vehicle patterns are commercial. Some are residential. This unique training area provides an environment where every pattern is recreated and the fighter experiences force on force combat in each configuration with a focus on identifying and exploiting behavioral patterns.

Laser training conducted with X-tac

Ultimate Training Munitions are used for enhanced realism and can be incorporated with duty weapons

Apply - Review - Adapt - Apply

Every fight is recorded and studied. Many breakthroughs and important adaptations have come from this method.

Number Of Force On Force Fights
Years Running
Why Killing Cain?

Empirical Approach

In the same way that Jiu Jitsu differs from Karate, nothing in the approach is scripted. There is no "break the wrist and walk away." Each fighter reacts with natural instinct and fights to win. Testing comes before training and the level of training is tailored to meet the skill of the fighter. There is an open invitation to anyone who believes they have the skill to come and fight Cain with force on force. If you can kill Cain then the session is free.


Ogden Utah


Booking Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 7pm